Friday, August 25, 2006

My Family

I thought I'd post some pictures of my Nana (the lady on the left in my profile pic) and my great aunts whom I love to death. I miss my Nana and being with my aunts makes me feel so much closer to her. I can't believe it's been ten years since her death. This is one of my favorite pictures. I love any and everything old and vintage. This picture is the epitome of class and style. There's something about the way men and women "dressed up" for dinner. When I was younger I would take old pictures to class and the first thing people would notice is Duke Ellington in alot of our family pictures. I really had no idea (much to the shigrin of my grandfather) who The Duke was. I thought he was some old long lost uncle who decided not to show up for family functions. Anyway, there is definitely a story in this picture thatI need to write and I will.... one day.

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